
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

They Made Me Proud Again!

We held another workshop at the Pioneer Florida Museum last Sunday, and had another spectacular day of dyeing and printing.  My students worked so hard and were so creative, I was just a out to bust at the seams with their results. I explained the Itajime Shibori Technique to them and turned them loose.  I had prepared an indigo vat and large pot of Cochineal dye  The following photos will reveal how much fun they had and how creative was their thinking.

Indigo on soy mordanted cotton, using canning jar lids, clamped Itajime Shibori by Bonnie Rackliffe-Weisser

A portion of the above piece after being overdyed with cochineal by Bonnie.

The blogspot has decided to shift my blog post arouund again, so I shall publish this part then start anew.

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