
Saturday, March 8, 2014

A Post-printing Dip!

I accidentally stumbled upon a new treatment for problem prints.  I recently printed some small prints using Psidium catteleianum (Cattely Guava) and a few other mixed flowers and leaves.  The Psidium prints for the most part were successful.  A couple did not have enough detail along with some of the flower part prints.  I decided to use a post dip bath like I do with fabric sometimes, and made a mixture of 2 cups hot water, 2 cups cold water and 2 tsp. of washing soda.  After I dissolved the washing soda completely, I dipped my paper prints that had problems in the washing soda/water mixture and took them out quickly.  Boy what a difference in color was visible right away!  I allowed the prints to dry and photographed them.  Here are the finished photos:

1 comment:

  1. You can see how intense some of the colors turned to greens after the dip. The washing soda acted as a pH modifier.
